As my climbing skills improved, I began attempting some of the more difficult mountains in Colorado. I assumed that on those mountains there would be no dog coming along due to steepness up to near vertical. Early one morning on an attempt at the very challenging Pyramid Peak, we were in the dark just before […]
Keeping Your Dog Safe from Coyotes on a Hike
You may hear a coyote before seeing one. They howl, yelp and even bark, sounding just like a dog. Some think they imitate a dog bark to entice a dog to come and check them out, and then they attack. A Coyote vs a Fox In appearance, coyotes are mainly variations of gray in color, […]
How to Stay Safe When You Encounter a Black Bear
Please note I am talking about the American black bear and definitely not the even more dangerous grizzly or brown bear. Thankfully, I have no experience with those species. The black bear can be an assortment of different colors, from black to dark brown, cinnamon, grayish brown, blond, and even black with a blueish tint, […]